"…..There are some trees in California called ‘Bristlecone Pines’. At least one is thought to be over 4,800 years old. You can stagger yourself with the thought that it was getting on with its life in the Bronze Age, that it was there growing long before Socrates and the boys were going on about justice, long before Christ, long before Columbus stumbled onto the continent. You can get the feeling that chopping it down for kicks would be wrong. Not just callous, but morally wrong. That’s an intuition I’m not arguing for, but maybe one that you have. We both know the tree is not a person. If it is wrong to cut the thing down for fun, what makes it wrong to do so? Answering that question might help you think your way through debates like the one about the chimp’s personhood. It might also make you wonder whether talk of his interests just misses the point. Maybe what matters is him, whether or not he has interests, whether or not he’s a person." Posted on September 28th, 2007 by James Garvey (estratto).
come dico nei commenti di là, secondo me james fa confusione sul concetto di ‘interests’
Ciao Nullo. Ti ringrazio per passaggio. Per facilitare la discussione, riporto il tuo commento al post di James Garvey:
– nullo, on October 11th, 2007 at 9:33 pm Said:
“Hello James,
There is something I don’t get about both the end of your post, and your reply to Jean.
You say if a chimp is in pain, I would rather focus on getting him out of pain than on his interests.
But I thought that was the whole point of talking about interests, that the chimp has an interest in not being in pain.
What do you mean by interests, otherwise?
the same problem with the post:
It might also make you wonder whether talk of his interests just misses the point. Maybe what matters is him, whether or not he has interests, whether or not he’s a person.
“what matters to him” isn’t that just admitting that he has interests?
Poiché mi paiono osservazioni tutt’altro che banali, vorrei rifletterci un po. 🙂
.. per il passaggio…. Scusa il refuso.